This is the one you have been waiting for, right? Where do you begin? You’re right in asking this question because if you have not done this before…there is so much that takes place from concept to completion. Scary, huh? – it doesn’t have to be if you have a knowledgeable instructor! It’s true that I don’t know the first thing about selling a car (mark up costs, carrier, dealer, lease obligations, etc.), and I’m not a heart surgeon and wouldn’t pretend to be even after a long night with friends – but, when it comes to building a home, I feel pretty confident that I can assist you.
This is why I am going to share some of my expertise with you over the next 10 weeks or so — walking you through all the steps — from planning your home concept all the way through to placing the silverware in the kitchen drawer!
Lets start with…
BUILDING A HOME – STEP 1: Planning- Where do you want to live?
This may sound foolish, but it’s really not. Some people spend the least amount of time on this one question, when it is really the most critical part of building a new home. This ONE question is: Can I afford the neighborhood: taxes, insurance, square footage requirements (in some developments), etc.
It is also important to consider the following:
What does my future look like?
Am I getting married? If so, are we planning on having children? how are the public school systems…etc.?
What style houses go within the area of my choice(s)? You don’t want to over build or settle for something that is not appealing to you. Consider what your desired living space/square footage is.
What is the atmosphere in the area – things to do – quality of life (probably the most important question in Step 1 believe it or not!).
What’s my minimum expectation for land/lot size – am I okay with just a small buildable lot size (maybe in close proximity to shared green space or community areas/playgrounds, etc…) or do I want ACRES?
Do I want to own livestock?
Do I want to live off the grid?
Can I find a house similar to my ‘list’ that might just need slight remodel work vs. a new build– and possibly save thousands (or tens of thousands)?
Is this my permanent home or is it for only 5, 6, 8, 10 years?
Do I really want to own a home – and do I want the responsibilities that come along with home ownership like landscaping, interior/exterior maintenance, those resulting improvement costs, the never ending ‘to do list’, etc…?
Does it still sound scary? No worries, Craig DiPetrillo is here, to make your decision making process a whole lot easier! If you have the time, jump in and we’ll look at this one step at a time, together. This week, let’s focus on getting the answers to the 10 questions above. In addition to each week’s blog that will consecutively cover each step, we will post a ‘public’ question received with my answer, relative to the last step discussed. If you have a question on this current step, please email it to Info@DiPetrilloProperties.com . We will draw one or two from the group to answer.
Coming SOON, STEP 2: Planning – selecting a home design, financing, and a contractor.
DiPetrillo Properties specializes in home building and renovations. We have over 25 years of design, construction and investment talent and experience waiting to be utilized on your next project. Call us today for a free in-house consultation with no obligation.
DiPetrillo Properties – Property Management, Investments & Construction www.DiPetrilloProperties.com